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Well my son was 6 1/2 and started complaining that his room was a baby room. He was right, I had not changed anything since he was born other than the bed and taking the changing table out a few years ago. So I guess it’s time to admit he’s growing up. So I decided to do a quick fix since I had limited time and limited budget.
I went to my go to, Amazon. Him and I agreed on getting a comforter that he could use for awhile, no characters. The striped comforter that we chose is perfect. It is a lightweight but serves its purpose and he likes the feel of it. He wanted superheros to be included so we went with wall hangings and a night light since those are inexpensive and easy to change out when his tastes change.
I could not remove the wall border without having to do a full repaint and spend a lot more time. Now this may not be the best way or the right way, but it will work until I have time to really dig in for a couple days. He’s happy, feels like a big kid and it looks great. I ordered a wall border with adhesive to cover the old one. It matches the comforter.
We then reorganized toys into canvas bins that match the walls. We chose the canvas wall hangings with superheros, new window valance to match comforters and a new lamp with a shade that matches wall border and comforter to tie things together. The canvas wall hangings are really nice quality. I dislike posters so these were a great choice. We also purchased a white board for his other wall and used a shoe organizer for odds and ends, chargers, markers, etc.
So I got started. I did the border first. It was a little time consuming but was able to finish within a couple of hours. This was a little messy because I purchased a border that had to be soaked in water and then hung. They make borders that are just adhesive, I just couldn’t find the colors I wanted in these.
Next I reorganized toys, hung the shoe organizer and added all of his crayons, markers, scissors, etc. to this so he can see everything. I hung the whiteboard next. Changed the bedding and hung canvas pictures. There you go, baby room to big boy room in just a few hours.