
Home Decor – Teals & Browns

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I love finding new home decor items. I can watch all of the home makeover shows all day if given the opportunity. I am by no means a pro, I just enjoy trying new ideas and dreaming about my own home makeover.

I use Amazon frequently when looking for items. I live in a rural area and do not have shopping nearby, so I rely on online shopping options. I also like bargains. I prefer not to spend a lot of money on home decor because I like having the option to change things up a bit when I feel like it. I want to share some of the items that I have found and really like.

I love, teals and browns together. These are a few items that work well in a living room. Like I said I change my color schemes every so often but this is my current favorite.

I really enjoy looking through everyone’s blogs and posts to see what others are doing and to get new ideas.

Dorm Room Makeover

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Moving your teen away to college can be hard. When it comes that time though you want them have a place to call home for the school year. I couldn’t leave mine in the dreary plain room that you first walk into. They are going to be spending a lot of time there and need to at least like the feel of it.

First off know that not all rooms are exactly the same. We went into the first year with a plan for my daughters room that involved being able to raise her bed because when we were shown rooms we were told that it was always an option…it wasn’t. Had to come up with a new plan real quick.

Second of all don’t assume it will be cleaned to your standards. We discovered this the second year. Come prepared with cleaning supplies and plan to clean for awhile before you start to move in and decorate.

Next you’ll want to raise bed or not and rearrange furniture to flow well with your plan. Take a little time while your cleaning to really think about the best arrangement. My suggestion is start with the bed location and where they feel that they are going to be most comfortable. Work around this. They are the ones who have to live in this room for the next 9 months so they need to be happy with the location of their bed.

A few simple things can really help the room feel homey and like their own. Make sure they choose the color theme since they are the ones looking at it everyday. Get items that match and flow well together. You want a calm relaxing area that is also functional. They will spend a lot of time here.

Essential Items:

  • Comforter
  • Sheets
  • Pillows
  • Mattress pad
  • Office supplies
  • Curtains
  • Towels

Basic tools for move in day:

  • Cleaning supplies
  • Tools – screwdrivers, allen wrenches, hammer, small nails
  • Vacuum
  • Power strip
  • Tape
  • Bed risers

Decorating Items:

  • Picture frames
  • Artwork for walls
  • Command hooks and picture hanging strips
  • Lamp
  • Mirror (full length and lighted make-up)
  • Lights
  • Area Rug
  • Throw Pillows

Organizing Essentials:

  • Cube storage organizers
  • Small shelf to hold cube organizers
  • Bulletin board
  • White board
  • Laundry basket
  • Clothes hangers
  • Rolling cart
  • File bin
  • Shower caddy

Before move in day you need to have theme in mind such as colors and style. There are many things you can purchase in advance such as all of the essential items along with decorating ideas. Most of the organizing essentials can be purchased ahead of time also. Once you get there be prepared to adjust plans slightly if needed because of room size and measurements.

The room my daughter got the second year ended up being a lot smaller in size and we ended up using storage bins under the bed for some items. For example shoes ended up in a bin because there was not as much room for shoe rack as before.

Designing a dorm room requires creativity and flexibility. Start with your basic ideas and plans and adjust on move in day as needed. Coordinating items and sticking to one style will make room feel comforting. No one wants to live in a single room that is disorganized with no flow. Have fun decorating!

Boys Room Makeover

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Well my son was 6 1/2 and started complaining that his room was a baby room. He was right, I had not changed anything since he was born other than the bed and taking the changing table out a few years ago. So I guess it’s time to admit he’s growing up. So I decided to do a quick fix since I had limited time and limited budget.

I went to my go to, Amazon. Him and I agreed on getting a comforter that he could use for awhile, no characters. The striped comforter that we chose is perfect. It is a lightweight but serves its purpose and he likes the feel of it. He wanted superheros to be included so we went with wall hangings and a night light since those are inexpensive and easy to change out when his tastes change.

I could not remove the wall border without having to do a full repaint and spend a lot more time. Now this may not be the best way or the right way, but it will work until I have time to really dig in for a couple days. He’s happy, feels like a big kid and it looks great. I ordered a wall border with adhesive to cover the old one. It matches the comforter.

We then reorganized toys into canvas bins that match the walls. We chose the canvas wall hangings with superheros, new window valance to match comforters and a new lamp with a shade that matches wall border and comforter to tie things together. The canvas wall hangings are really nice quality. I dislike posters so these were a great choice. We also purchased a white board for his other wall and used a shoe organizer for odds and ends, chargers, markers, etc.

So I got started. I did the border first. It was a little time consuming but was able to finish within a couple of hours. This was a little messy because I purchased a border that had to be soaked in water and then hung. They make borders that are just adhesive, I just couldn’t find the colors I wanted in these.

Next I reorganized toys, hung the shoe organizer and added all of his crayons, markers, scissors, etc. to this so he can see everything. I hung the whiteboard next. Changed the bedding and hung canvas pictures. There you go, baby room to big boy room in just a few hours.

I want a housekeeper!….right after I clean up

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I always dream about having someone come in and clean my house once a week. I just want my days off to actually be days off that don’t involve dusting, laundry and mopping. Well that’s probably not going to happen anytime soon. So I better get started. Honestly though I probably couldn’t let someone come clean my house unless I cleaned it first.

First off my house is not that bad…but I have gotten into bad habits. I procrastinate until I have all kinds of things to put away and the jobs end up taking longer than they really should, due to my ability to put things off. I go to work, come home, cook dinner, get kid ready for bed and then……nothing else gets done…..I put it off until my days off. Well I just got myself re-motivated. I read a great magazine about organizing your home. I’m ready to go! By the end of this weekend my life and home will be organized! Hahaha, we’ll see how far I get. No housekeeper to help me out.😥

So here’s my plan, we’ll see how it goes. First thing, we have too many calendars going and my genius whiteboard in the kitchen looks great but it doesn’t work when no one actually looks at it or keeps it up to date. It’s September and I think it still says June, but I haven’t actually looked. So my next bright idea is to try a shared online calendar. I downloaded an app called Cozi Family Organizer. I don’t know how this is going to work but we are going to try. This was recommended in my magazine and might be worth a shot. It was easy to set up. You can color code each family member, share calendar, add to shopping list and to do lists. So plan is to get rid of that refrigerator grocery list that I always forget when I go to the store and keep everyone up to date on weeks plans without sending a million messages and phone calls. I’ll let you know how this goes.

Second, I tried the timer suggestion. I’ve been setting a timer for my tasks. I know this sounds dumb but so far it’s working for me. I set the timer for say 15 minutes to clean kitchen and then just go for it. My son is showing interest in the race but hasn’t bought into it yet and hasn’t volunteered to join in. So far he just wants to come check the timer for me to let me know I’m almost out of time. Not a huge help yet. He’s going to love when we try it on his room later, haha.

Next I’m getting rid of what I don’t use. I know, quite the concept, but things accumulate quickly. It’s very freeing to load all of those clothes and household items in your car and drop them off at your local drop off spot. You can always sell other items online that you no longer need. Then the key is to think before you purchase. Don’t buy items you don’t need….I need to remember this one. This might take me awhile.

The biggest part of my plan is to try to get in the habit of actually putting things where they belong to start. I tend to set things on table and forget about it. I am planning to take 5 minutes each night before bed to run through house and put things back in their place. I’m hoping this slows down my pile on the table.

Then there’s the groceries. I go through spurts of meal planning and then it slips off and I all of a sudden don’t know what I’m cooking for dinner until I’m standing in the kitchen after work. I am going to start back with my weekly meal planning again. It saves money on groceries and creates a lot less waste. I also tried ordering my groceries online, so all I had to do was pull in the parking lot and have my groceries loaded in the car. This was great and not only saved time but probably saved money on those impulse buys. Now I actually like to go in the grocery store sometimes but will definitely use this frequently to save time and money.

So here’s the plan:

  • Stop procrastinating
  • Use shared calendar
  • Use online shared grocery list
  • Set timer for 5 minutes each evening Monday-Thursday to pick up and put things away
  • Set timer for 15 minutes per room on day off to do any other cleaning, dusting or organizing
  • Designate a spot for things that will be donated and put things in it as needed
  • Put things back where they belong
  • Plan meals for the week

I really do have good intentions to get organized and stay that way. I started awhile ago with my stacks of papers and have improved in that area. Have not perfected the system yet but getting there. Now I’ll try to stick with this plan. I’m trying to keep a simple plan that anyone can follow, fit in their schedule and stick with. It may be obvious and basic ideas but as a real person sometimes it’s hard to even fit in and stick to the most basic of plans. Reality is that life happens and sometimes you just don’t have the energy physically or mentally to take those socks to the laundry. Sometimes you need to buy that magazine while you’re in line at the grocery store in order to gain some motivation. You’re going to have weeks you screw up…but try to get back on track and maybe just maybe you’ll have some time left for something you actually enjoy doing.Get your life organized so you actually have time to live life.

Try Cozi. It’s free!

Wood Crate Coffee Table

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  • 1/2 sheet of plywood
  • 4 wooden crates
  • 24 1/2″ wood screws
  • 16 3/4″ wood screws
  • 1 can of stain
  • 4 casters

I love looking through Pinterest for ideas to decorate around the house. I seldom actually try any of them though. This one I decided I really wanted to build though. I went to the local craft store and picked up 4 wooden crates. You can get them just about anywhere now. I bought some stain and started in one weekend. First set your boxes up so you can determine how big you want your bottom board to be cut. We cut ours a few inches smaller so it wouldn’t be so visible. I stained each box individually along with the top and sides of the board that they will be attached to. Once they dried my husband and I got started on putting it together.

We lined the boxes up how we wanted them to sit. We then drilled small holes in each spot that we were going to put screws into and then screwed together with the 1/2″ screws. We put 3 in each side of each box. Once your boxes are secured together you then turn upside down and attach them to the bottom board.

Next step we drilled holes in the bottom and screwed casters on. This makes it so convenient to move out of the way when you need to vacuum or just get out of the way for space in the living room.

You can use the sections on the bottom for décor, books, whatever you can come up with. The middle section is able to be changed to any type of décor you would like. Change for each season if you want.  I can’t wait for my next project!

Tackling the Stacks…..of papers

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Well you have to be one of two types of people. You’re either that person who is completely organized, recycles their mail as it comes in, files everything else right away and knows right where everything is when needed……or you’re not. I’m not, unfortunately, but have decided that I am going to tackle my stacks and become that person, I hope.

I tend to bring the mail in, put it in the mail pile. A week or two later I go through it and separate in to the next piles of now and later. My later pile then moves elsewhere and I forget it. Eventually I either go through it or I throw it in the box that I’m planning to go through. Terrible, I know. Not sure why I don’t just do it and get it over with. Well today I decided to deal with it. I have tackled the pile and the box!

Now, my box of papers is not just mail. The box includes all of the art projects, worksheets, school newsletters and magazines that come home daily. So this is my plan:

  • Bring the mail in and go through it right away.
  • Mail dispersed immediately to where it belongs, husband, office, etc…
  • Deal with what’s left for myself immediately. Pay, file, recycle.
  • Kids work will go into a box which I will go through at end of school year.
  • I will then sort this into work and projects that I want to keep. This work will go into a box that I plan to keep.
  • Everything else goes! You cant keep every worksheet they bring home!
  • I will then start a box for the next school year and repeat this process.
  •  By the time they graduate there will be only one box of saved things for them to have.

I realize this  sounds like a minor problem that should not be an issue, but I can’t be the only person that can’t seem to get with it. There is so much junk mail, so many worksheets, so much stuff I just don’t need!  Join me in decluttering your life one pile at a time. Good luck!