April 26, 2019

Blogger Recognition Award

I was recently nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award. I was happy to see that I had a notification on my phone a couple days ago from Steph at Lifestyle of a Non Trophey Wife and she had included me in on her list of nominations. Thank you to Steph for including me.

What is The Blogger Recognition Award?

This is a way for bloggers to build up other bloggers who they feel make a positive impact not only in the blogging world but the world around them. This is a way to get these bloggers websites to be seen by more people that may be missing out. A way to support your fellow bloggers.

Why I Started My Blog

I signed up for my wordpress sight over a year ago in April of 2018. Life happened and even though it was always in the back of my mind I just couldn’t get going. I felt overwhelmed trying to learn the basics. Come November of 2018 I decided to just go for it. I had taken a blogging course and went back to review and posted my first blog post. I decided to write about life, family, food and travel. I would love to make an income eventually but am just going at my own pace and not rushing the process. I like to write, cook and hanging out with my family. This gives me the opportunity to do these things and share about it.

Advice for New Bloggers

Be patient and set goals. This is not a quick process. Be patient with yourself as you learn and figure out what works for you. Set attainable goals for yourself. Don’t commit to doing more than you are actually capable of right now. Once you reach your first few small goals and start figuring out your own system you will be able to start moving a little faster.

Blogger Recognition Award Rules

Once you have been nominated for the award, there are some rules, as with any of these awards:

  1. Thank the nominating blogger and give the link to their page.
  2. Write a blog post on your website about winning the award.
  3. Describe the story of why you started your blog.
  4. Write two pieces of advice you have for new bloggers.
  5. Nominate 15 other bloggers who have your vote of confidence for this award.
  6. Notify each of your nominees of their nomination. I’ll be doing that here and Twitter.

So I have come across so many great blogs since I started my journey. It is hard to narrow down to 15 blogs. Here are the 15 that I am nominating:

So this is my list. I hope you take the time to check out some these blogs and show them your support.