July 28, 2019

A Little Break in the Woods

Sometimes you need to take a little break and head into the forest. Life gets busy and it doesn’t matter if you live in the city or if you live in the country, a little peace and change of scenery can do you some good.

We camp a lot during the summer. Sometimes we tent camp and sometimes we take our travel trailer. Either way it is not always about getting out and roughing it. Sometimes it is just a way to check out of day to day life.

We have had a busy summer so far. This weekend however we hitched up the travel trailer and headed to the mountains for a break. We’ve been on a lot of trips this year but none as relaxing as this. When you’re headed someplace new or spending money on a big vacation you tend to try and fit everything in that you can. I don’t know about you but those trips are both fun and exhausting. I don’t always come back refreshed and ready to get back to life again.

So here we are, the weather is not great, but we’ve checked out. We’ve sat around the fire, we’ve made s’mores, we’ve went for a couple drives to nowhere, we even threw our hooks in the lake and caught absolutely no fish but it was peaceful just watching our bobbers float. My son has build a small fort for his action figures out of rocks, tree bark and moss and made a fishing pole out of a limb. He has to get a bit more creative away from home which is great for him. We’ve also played board games, card games and attempted to build a house of cards, although that didn’t go well. Point is sometimes you need to just hang out together with no plans for your day. Now everyone is taking a long overdue nap which none of us get at home.

Everyone should try to get away for just one weekend this summer with no great expectations. Grab your sleeping bags and some food and find a spot all alone to hang out as as family and take a nap.